You can have NixCI automatically produce PRs with updated flake inputs.
You can have NixCI automatically produce PRs with updated flake inputs.
To activate the auto-update mechanism, add a
section to your configuration:
{ nix-ci = { auto-update = true; }; }
You will also need to create a GitHub access token and configure it as a secret on nix-ci with name:
Now Nix-ci will schedule regular update runs.
In these update runs, it will try to run
nix flake update
on a repository, commit the result, and make a PR.
nix-ci: # optional auto-update: # optional # Whether to schedule 'nix flake update' jobs # any of [ <boolean> , # AutoUpdateConfiguration enable: # required # Enable auto-update jobs # or null <boolean> base: # optional # Base branch to base PRs off <string> user: # optional # Github user who's the owner of the access token <string> ]