You can have NixCI automatically deploy your code after a suite succeeds.
You can have NixCI automatically deploy your code after a suite succeeds.
To activate the continuous deployment mechanism, add a
section to the
output of your flake:
For example, this
deployment configures the
package to be run as a deployment:
{ nix-ci = { deploy = { example = { package = "packages.x86_64-linux.deploy-to-prod"; }; }; }; }
In particular, NixCI will
nix run packages.x86_64-linux.deploy-to-prod
, which will execute the package's
NixCI can provide the secrets necessary for your deployment.
Secrets are declared in the
Once a secret is declared, it is required for that deployment.
You can set a secret's value in the Secrets overview of your repository.
For example, this deployment is declared to require the
to be set.
{ nix-ci = { deploy = { example = { package = "packages.x86_64-linux.deploy-to-prod"; secrets = ["FORGE_ACCESS_TOKEN"]; }; }; }; }
During the deployment, the
environment variable will be set to the secret.
NixCI has special support for SSH keys.
You could provide SSH keys with the secrets as described above but it can be difficult to get
to load an SSH key.
NixCI can take care of this for you.
In this example, the
secret is declared to contain an SSH key with the given public key.
{ nix-ci = { deploy = { example = { package = "packages.x86_64-linux.deploy-to-prod"; ssh-keys = [{ public-key = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOJSjGhDsCpOGTldxNvLP3NCM1eLMNxjHKKg4y2my1PS"; secret = "CI_SSH_KEY"; }]; }; }; }; }
During the deployment, the
environment variable will be set to a file path of the given SSH key.
You can then use the
option to use it:
ssh -i "$CI_SSH_KEY"
nix-ci: # optional deploy: # optional # default: {} # Deploy Configurations <key>: # DeployConfiguration enable: # optional # default: true # enable this deployment <boolean> package: # required # package of which the main program will be run <string> system: # optional # system on which the deployment will be run <string> branches: # optional # branches from which may be deployed - <string> secrets: # optional # default: [] # secrets provided to the deployment - <string> ssh-keys: # optional # default: [] # ssh keys provided to the deployment - # SshKeyConfiguration secret: # required # name of the secret to use as the private key <string> public-key: # required # public key of the ssh key <string>