Git SSH Key

You can configure which SSH key NixCI is to use for cloning Git repositories.

Step 1: Configuration

You can configure a git-ssh-key as follows:

  nix-ci = {
    git-ssh-key = {
      public-key = "my pubkey here";
      secret = "GIT_SSH_KEY";

Step 2: Secret

You will also need to tell NixCI about the private key of this ssh key pair by setting the variable with the name you have chosen before. In this example that would be GIT_SSH_KEY .

Reference schema

nix-ci: # optional
  git-ssh-key: # optional
    # SSH Key to use for git-clone-ing
    # SshKeyConfiguration
    secret: # required
      # name of the secret to use as the private key
    public-key: # required
      # public key of the ssh key